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Atelier ISLY  
Kort 4 af 61. Tilbage | Forrige side | Næste side

F.K.Stein has specialized in the relationship between the artist and environmental awareness. For example he teaches courses for college and university students in developing their sensitivity and understanding of complex natural systems through the artist's approach. He does the same with eco-literacy projects for preschools and preschool teachers' colleges. By working with natural phenonomena, such as producing wind drawings, students sharpen their understanding of patterns in nature. Even in his landscape design work, the formation of comples living systems as a work of art remains his approach.
Stein has developed intensive two-week courses using these skills, which he now offers to American as well as Danish colleges and universities.

Andre oplysninger

Findes i kategorierne:
Foredragsholdere | Økosamfund i Danmark | Virksomheder / Leverandører | Universiteter / Forskningsprojekter

Byggeri | Landbrug | Børn og unge | Planlægning / strukturudvikling | Økosamfund | Permakultur / bioregionalisme | Undervisning / uddannelse | Information / Rådgivning | Design


Atelier ISLY
Lersø Parkallé 28 B, 14. sal.
2100  København Ø

Arkitekt / Permakulturdesigner
Floyd Kenneth  Stein

21 47 75 18

