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IWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs  
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IWGIA was founded by human rights activists and anthropologists in 1968.

Since its foundation in 1968, IWGIA has followed the indigenous movement and continously increased its activities and expanded its network with indigenous peoples worldwide.

In 1968 the initiative to establish a network of researchers and human rights activists concerned about indigenous peoples' affairs came about when they became aware of the genocide of Indians in the Amazon. The first links established were with Brazilian and Paraguayan activists. Soon after, North American Indian activists and peoples from the Arctic, Oceania and Asia joined the work. Today indigenous peoples of Russia and Africa are also involved in IWGIA's global network.

Network of Indigenous Organisations
IWGIA has established a network of indigenous & concerned non-indigenous organisations and peoples.
The relationship to each organisation is built on thorough knowledge and respect. Partnerships with indigenous organisations are based on close contacts and regular networking-trips undertaken by indigenous persons and by IWGIA's project co-ordinators.

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Findes i kategorierne:
Internationale organisationer | 92-gruppen

Internationalt miljøarbejde | Bæredygtig udvikling


IWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs
Classensgade 11 E
2100  København Ø

35 27 05 00


35 27 05 07



